Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Getting Old

Do you ever get that feeling that time is kind of sprinting by and every time you try to grab hold it just slips through your fingers?  I swear its like trying to swipe a fish out of the water with your bear hands.  If you really try you can get a finger on it, but it takes goddamn ninja hands to snag it.  Well, in my attempt to combat that strange reality and become a little more dexterous I will hopefully start updating this blog once again to capture some snapshots of what has been going on in the life of your's truly.  If you asked me why I'm posting again I would probably tell you that it has been something that I have been trying to do this whole time, but I guess if that were true I would have be doing it this whole time.  Ya dig???  HOWEVER, I did just turn 24 and I that is as good a benchmark as any to pick up the habit once again.  Looking back it seems that I do this whole "Ima do this for real!" thing about once every 12 to 15 months, so heres to resolutions that you know you probably won't keep, but I might as well try :).

So funnily enough even though I haven't been posting anything my life continues to happen.  It's true, I swear.  I'd even say that some pretty spectacularly interesting stuff has been going on if you ask me.  I'll have to scrub through what I have and have not written about, but I'll do my best to outline some the highlights.  But since I left Colombia nearly two years ago I have been to Ecuador, Peru, Equatorial Guinea, and South Africa.  I have worked in a restaurant in Boston and installed solar panels, worked on a farm, conducted research, and worked for Tío Samuel.  All in all there are a LOT of stories to tell.  Actually, probably enough to write a whole book about.  Maybe just maybe I'll get on that at some point.  I'll call it "Stray Thoughts" or "Tangents of a True 'Murican".  All working titles obviously.  Or maybe I'll call it "The contemporary Beetnick".  Check my spelling on that.

I'm looking forward to telling you all of my stories and I promise I'll try to avoid the angsty rants.  If I do end up on one of those tangents I'll do what I can to throw a disclaimer over it.  However, I guess this might in some way turn into a Matt's stream of consciousness sort of thing so feel free to tune in and out as you see fit.  Instead of writing for the rest of the evening I think that I'm going to try and reformat this here blog so that it looks marginally less horrible.

Peace and Love everybody, I hope to see you all soon.