Tuesday, July 7, 2015

10 months later

I guess I never really followed through with my aspirations to blog consistently while I was in Colombia.  That is kind of a bummer as I did a lot of things that I now see as irreplaceable experiences.  There were camping trips into the mountains of Risaralda and there were more motorcycle excursions that ended better than I could have even begun to ask.  There was cultural immersion at an unprecedented level and there were innumerable chances to crash and burn where I instead walked away proud and tall.  Pictures were taken, memories were made, and a few forgotten, but it was undeniably the experience of a lifetime (to date).  However, more than anything else I learned.  Not necessarily facts or methods, but I figured more of myself out.  I cut away at the baggage I carried and I galvanized my sense of self.

I returned home to the US in mid January of 2015 and spent a couple of months loafing around and unfortunately I found myself repeating the cycle of finding myself involved pointless menial activities that really serve me no purpose at all.  I eventually found a job as a bareback at a restaurant in Boston and performed those duties through last week when I left the job for good.  The next step is a trip down to Ecuador with my good friend Bagel where we will do work away jobs through Thanksgiving.  Lets see what happens.  As I will soon be back in the deep south, I will probably start blogging again with the consistency of an off balance pendulum, but I for one will keep my fingers crossed for something a little more concrete than what I have produced in the past.  I am a year older, a year more experienced, and maybe just a little more mature and consistent than I was before.  Time will tell.  T-minus one week.  See you all on the other side.

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