Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 0: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (minus the trains)

Exibit A: Best.  Food.  Court.  EVER. ALSO

The Dallas Fort Worth airport is pretty nice I have to say.  All around the seating area I now find myself in there are a few fairly interesting things that I have been gradually exploring during my SUPER FUN and EXTREMELY BEARABLE (that’s sarcasm) 5 hour layover.  It has some cool art like this 30 foot tall castle looking thing that would probably fit in just fine in a Tim Burton movie if only for the fact that it is silver, sitting in the middle of the D terminal.  There are also three tequila bars / taco-joints tastefully juxtaposed in what I guess is the food court.  But this isn’t just any food court as it would appear at first glance.  No, interwoven between the coffee shops, Chinese fast food joints and home-style Texas Bar-B-Qs there quietly lies another type of store, but not just any store.  It would seem this is in fact a food court with a bookstore.  Now this doesn’t seem too farfetched, that is until further inspection.  Apparently this isn’t just any bookstore; it’s a bookstore whose façade consists almost entirely of a giant poster.  And this isn’t just any poster, it’s a poster advertising the New York Times best seller 50 Shades of Grey with the slogan “Reading for pleasure has a whole new meaning”.  God, its good to know that being tasteful is an American trait, not something reserved for us Yankees.  Now, I could go into a whole shpeel about this book and how hilarious / generally amazing it is, but I think I will refrain.  Ask me about it in person and well have a grand chat between old chaps about this timeless classic. But alas I digress.

Now I’ll keep this part of this entry fairly short because I am well aware of the fact that I stretched my artistic license a little thin in that previous paragraph.  But I got to say, that old cliché about how you never know who is going to sit next to you is so unbelievably true that it is unbelievable.  For instance, when I was 13 or 14, I was flying to California during summer break to visit my family and I happened to be sitting next to a very attractive young woman.  At the time, my adolescent reasoning skills determined that she was of approximately college age or perhaps slightly older.  In short she probably could have been anywhere from 17-30 years old because well, who actually knows what goes through the minds of pubescent males.  Anyways, take note that I vividly remember her wearing a grey tank top, which I can best describe as a lady white-beater.  So the plane takes off and the flight is moving along swimmingly, nice and boring.  To me travel is supposed to be like a trip to the doctors: you show up, you drop your shorts, the doctor does his job, you do yours, you pull up your pants, shake his hand and say “Good seeing you Doc, till next year” and then its all over.  Not necessarily comfortable, but its business that needs to get done.  Business is business and boring is always a good thing when it comes down to that type of business.  Anyways, this flight got very much less boring and I would dare say it even approached the realm of interesting when this woman decided put her hands together and reach for the sky, well space I suppose seeing as we were already pretty far up in the sky at that point.  I saw her move out of the corner of my eye and I glanced over to see what all the commotion was about, and then I saw it.  This woman had the hairiest armpits that God ever put on this good green earth and they also had a very distinct and not perfectly pleasant scent to them as well.  To be honest I’m not sure if there was a smell, it could have simply been my subconscious telling my nose that armpits like that had to come with an odor and it promptly filled in the blank left by the lack of sensory input.  Anyways, at that point she sees me looking and we make some very awkward eye contact and I proceed to say, “Sorry Babe, its just not meant to be”.  Our gaze lingers for a moment and then she breaks down and starts hysterically crying about her future and all the years of her life that I have wasted.

Exhibit B: Floor of Row 7 seats A, B, C
I like to think that her name was Fluffy
McSnugglebottoms.  What a cutie
JUST KIDDING.  None of that is true.  But she did have really hairy armpits.  But back to why that’s relevant.  Now, I know many of my readers (I will assume that more people than just me read this) have a bit of a green thumb, an interest in the botanical arts if you will.  And I know for a fact that some of you like to practice your interest in herbage in various places and have transported it great distances in order to do so.  Well all I can say is that it is a good thing you weren’t on the same plane as me this morning.  For the entire duration of my flight from Boston to Dallas, there was a police dog happily curled up on the floor by my mother, who I just happened to be sitting next to.  Now I am not implying that I do, because I don’t (MOM), partake in any questionably legal / decriminalized practices (depending on what state you’re in). But if I did and if I were like my friends who like to travel with their… items of interest… today probably would have been pretty high up on the Worst Day Ever scale (units = balls/m3).  The moral of the story is you never know who is going to sit next to you until they are sitting right there next to you.  And as always, you don’t   know ‘till you know, Jimmer.

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