Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day -1

Figure 1.  Me holding the now empty husk of a banana
Hello all, whoever you may be.  At this current juncture in time I am sitting in my back yard eating a banana, pondering life and writing this blog.  At some point 10-12 hours ago in the opening moments of this new day, or maybe last night, I decided that perhaps creating and maintaining a blog of my stay in Costa Rica wouldn't be such an awful idea.  I was thinking about this trip in the grand scheme of my life and this epiphany hit me over the head like a rock thrown from a fighter jet at cruising altitude.  This trip is going to be the f*%$ing greatest thing ever.  And though it may sound a little cynical, this semester away will probably be just about the top of the highest peak, the summit of my life's adventures to date, the stratosphere of all my experience.  Well, maybe the metaphors could be stronger, but I think that you get the point.  As our good friends over in the United Kingdom would say, it should be a bloody good time.

Anyways, my family and I are leaving for the richest of coasts tomorrow (8/2712) by way of Texas and a long layover.  Though I will inevitably end up never updating this blog during my stay (though I do hope that I do) something tells me that I will have a little time to write in the various airports that I will be visiting in the next 24 hours.  So if all of my devoted readers are truly itching for more, as I am sure you all are, my next entry will probably be arriving some time on the morrow, or maybe not. You don't know 'till you know, Jimmer.

Peace, Love, the Gap,

1 comment:

  1. Always remember ....
    Always drink bottled water!!!!
    Or the God will have their revenge on your GI tract!!
    Have a Bloody Great time Mate!
