Friday, August 15, 2014

A hodgepodge of what's been goin on

            So Medellín is the cats pajamas. Just go ahead and do yourselves a favor and buy a ticket there.  I got my ticket there for 300 bucks 3 weeks before my flight…  Just saying, you could do it if you put your mind to it and put down the smokes or booze or whatever else if your poison for a couple of months.  And then you could pick it up here again for way cheaper if you really want to.  Anywys, the ciy is absolutely unreal.  It is nestled in the valley of two mountains, which is awesome to begin with, and the buildings and suburbs spill up either flank in a fairly unreal manner.  I took some pics, but they really don’t do the place any justice.  However, at night when the sky is pitch dark and you look down the valley and see lights spread out across the mountains, it really is a sight to behold.  To be honest it kind of looks like your standing at the bottom of a giant fluorescent taco shell, but think about it… Tacos…
            So I went for the feria de las flores, which is an annual festival that coincides with the harvest season, which outside of the united states is actually a really big deal because, you know, food.  Right?  Moving on, the city is super clean and has some amazing things to see and if you go during this festival you will be happy to find all sorts of amazing exhibits and such having to do with flowers.  My favorite was a giant flower armadillo that was like 9 feet tall and almost 20 feet long.  Made of flowers.  Pretty cool.  There was also an iguana, a bird, a jaguar, and a myriad of other animals.  There was a giant area set up in one of the city’s parks that was basically filled to the brim with a pretty unreal orchid exhibit. Think the flower show, but South American and outside in tropical weather.  Also the night life is pretty dope.  There is an area called parquet lleras off of calle 10, which you all should check out.  Theres like a billion trillion gillion bars and clubs all packed into something like 5 or 6 city blocks, and my friends it makes for a bumpin good times.  Just be careful of your wallets, if you know what I’m saying.  But yeah, check the city out.
            The one shitty thing that happened was that a taxi driver had no idea where to bring me and my friend david when we were looking for our hostil and he didn’t want to admit that he really didn’t know.  He was being difficult, but it wasn’t like he was going out of his way to rip us off or anything, generally a nice guys, but we definitely don’t operate on the same plane of existence.  Anyways, we ended up giving up and had him drop us off outside, alone, pretty not sober, at a metro station at something like 4am.  Not a good idea, but we weren’t getting anywhere anyways.  Fast forward, we find a bus and eventually get to our hostel at 5 am a little grumpy and a little worse for wear, but thankfully safe, unrobbed and alive.  We may or may not have dodged a bullet there, but don’t let that get you down about Medellín.  Do yourselves a favor and know where you need to go before you try to get there drunk at 3 in the morning.  Fucking love Medellín.

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