Sunday, August 24, 2014

Food for Thought

            So because I am a gringo trying to integrate myself into the Pueblo Rican community, my stay has been injected with some rather strange and unexpected, um things.  Sorry, I cant think of a better word and I don’t really feel like breaking my back to make this a supreme piece of literature cuz I ain’t getting no Pulitzer for this anyways.  Moving forward, the one I am the least comfortable with is an elevated amount of police involvement that I now have in my life.  Basically I was informed when I got to Colombia that it was a good idea for me to acquaint myself with the local authorities so that they know I am around and so I know who I need to look for incase shit hits the fan.  Now this is totally fair and reasonable by any and every means I can imagine.  However, today I had my third meeting with the police concerning my safety and such and I was informed that they will be checking in with me every three days and that I need to inform them when I am coming and going from Pueblo Rico.  I even have my own personal security officer who I am to call if I ever feel unsafe.  Oh, they also took a couple of photos of me for the record books.  You know, to show people when I get kidnapped or whatever.  I was also given a list of activities to avoid, such as staying away from crowds, keeping my schedule unpredictable, avoid talking to strangers, and keeping my eyes open for suspicious vehicles.  Basically I am supposed to be on guard at all times.  All of this makes sense I suppose, as every time that I tell someone that I work in Pueblo Rico they tell me to be careful of the guerillas.  Now I have been thinking about it and I can’t imagine the shit storm that would happen here if something happened to the volunteer gringo, who is here to improve the lives and future of the town’s children.  For that reason I totally understand the erring on the side of caution and I am truly grateful that they are putting forward all of this effort into keeping me safe.  I am not even saying that to sound PC.  I do feel much safer knowing that they actively taking measure to make my stay more comfortable.  However, it is feeling a little bit house arresty for my taste, if you know what I am saying.  I have never really been the type to do this type of reporting in and checking up as it kind of cramps my whole “I go where the wind blows” philosophy of life, but it made me ponder a great many things.  Oh and to preface this I literally just read the US Constitution for shits and giggles.  Like last week.  I’m pretty sure that it was the first time since 8th grade or something, but its an interesting read and I’m going to go ahead and assume that you all are just like me and that y’all haven’t skimmed through it in, oh ever?  Too much sass?  Sorry, anyways, as Americans its actually something we should be strongly familiar with. But the point of all this is to ask you a question that this combination of things has got me thinking about: what is freedom?  I sure as hell don’t have a perfect answer and I’m pretty sure that you all will have pretty drastically different things to say on the subject too.  So the better question is what is freedom to you?  Now think about your answer, think about what it may mean to someone else, empathize with them enough to understand what they’re doing with their lives, give ‘em a hug and say “That’s cool with me, bro”.  Peterfreund 2028.  Buy yo pins, y’all.

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