Monday, August 4, 2014

And so it goes: The good, the bad, and everything else that happens to happen

To whom it may concern,
How's it poppin? What's good and what's cracking? I hope that life is going well and that its all hanging low and loose, like it should be.  It has been a while since I have been in the blogging game and even when I was in it it was superficial at best.  There was once a time when I was excited and motivated to post to this whole blog schpeel with a consistent gusto that would bring my readers (however limited they may be) a little deeper into the happenings of the life of one Matthew Peterfreund.  And guess what.  I'm back my lovelies and with any luck I'm here to stay.  Because as I look at my life in hindsight I have decided that I am truly a unique flower (is that pompous of me to say? Doesn't matter, its true).  It gets weird when we hang out in the best kind of way, if you know what I am saying.  So here I am to record and muse on the the various forms of nonsense that I find myself in through the medium of written internet ramblings.  So heeeeeere I go.

At this juncture in time I am in the Long Beach Airport in the Jet Blue terminal, tying my best to cinch a knot wrapping up the truly weird couple of days that I have had.  And unfortunately for all of you in order to tell this story I have to start at the top.  So three weeks ago, give or take a little bit I was basically doing nothing, which was great at first, but soon became tedious as the long hours of watching netflix, pretending to be a guitarist, and generally being unemployed lost the little zest that it had to begin with.  Ok.  Now I'm bored of telling this part of the story, but long story short I decided that it was time to take my talents elsewhere and to once and for all get back to South America, as I had been telling people I would for many moons.  So I talked to some homies (thank you very much, you know who you are) and literally four days later I had unofficial accepted a job (gig? Volunteer position? I don't really know what to call it to be honest) teaching English in the great nation of Colombia that was to begin just under 4 weeks later AND and an actual job driving a van from Denver to Las Angeles which will cover the vast majority of this adventure's expenses.  On the same day.  I kid you not.  Why? Because my life is dope and I do dope shit (Yes that a Kanye reference).  Anyways, so now I am going to Colombia in something like 5 days and I am waiting for my plane back to Boston right meow as I have completed the "job" which I have just completed.  So here is the story of the last little while.

The job description:
Fly out to denver
Meet the band
Pick up their touring van and drop off a trailer
Drive to LA and return the van

1,200 miles of gorgeous South Western landscapes.  Business expenses paid.  Moola on top.  Yes please… Yeah, so thats what I just did.  I would have spent actual money to go on that little excursion, and then I didn't have to… =D.  And here goes the story

I wake up and fly to Denver Colorado on a rather pedestrian Wednesday morning and arrive at the mile high city for the thirdish time in my life at 12pm mountain time.  I get in contact with the band manager and find out that they will be picking me up from the airport and such.  Cool beans.  Thing is that the parking in the Denver airport is rather hellish so I track down a parking cop and he generously offers to drive me around and until I find the people that we are looking for.  So in the layer cake of nightmare inducing parking structures present in this airport the parking cop and I discuss the intricacies of parking management (of which there are many) as well regale in tales of the hilarity which results from messing with travelers as they attempt to park and navigate the rapture of all parking structures.  You gotta get your kicks in somehow I suppose.  Anyways we eventually find the van and band members and all is well.  We part ways and wordlessly acknowledge with little thought that in all actuality we will likely never cross paths again.  Short and sweet.  Nuffin wrong with that. But here's where things get interesting.

The band is probably the biggest bunch of goobers, which I have ever met.  They are easily middle aged, but still have the hearts of, well children and they're not afraid to show it.  Amidst the various threads of gossip stretching from lady friends to recent firings, they managed to bring into conversation such savory topics as gay chicken.  Anyways I am bored of writing this, sorry folks.  The rest of the trip was cool.  Utah is gorgeous, the grand canyon is terrifying when you duck under banisters in order to get a better view of the drop, and LA is probably the weirdest place in the history of man kind.  Well at least Hollywood is super weird.  Peace out girl scouts.

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